Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For lunch...

Vegetable medley burger with mushrooms and sweet potato fries
The veggie burger was delicious! It is a garden burger with a vegetable medley. It had broccoli, carrots, corn, green bell peppers, and red bell peppers. According to the package, the veggie burger is a great source of fiber, vegetables (1/2 serving), and grain (1/2 serving). I love mushrooms and they are considered vegetables, which was news to me.
And yes I used ketchup and 1/2 provolone cheese on the burger. I loove cheese too :)

*Also check this out*If you go to the following link, it allows you to keep track of what you eat and what you need to change to lose or gain weight. Even trying this for only one week made an impact on what I choose to eat.

The following is just ONE example of what this website does:
Comparison of Your Intake with
MyPyramid Recommendations for ericarew

Your Pyramid Stats
Milk Intake     0 cup equivalent
Milk Recommendation     3 cup equivalent
Meat and Beans Intake     2.5 oz equivalent
Meat and Beans Recommendation     5.5 oz equivalent
Vegetables Intake     2 cup equivalent
Vegetables Recommendation     2.5 cup equivalent
Fruits Intake     0 cup equivalent
Fruits Recommendation     2 cup equivalent
Grains Intake     0 oz equivalent
Grains Recommendation     6 oz equivalent

Pyramid Categories Percent Recommendation
Milk 0%
Meat and Beans 45%
Vegetables 80%
Fruits 0%
Grains 0%

The food pyramid may not have all the foods or brands out there. I think that may be why it says I had no grains when the product said it had grains. Some products do enrich their foods to have more nutrients. I am assuming this MAY be the case. 

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